Heart de Luna

LadySolMina's blog. Reposting and downloading of the contents here is not allowed without my permission. 管理人の生存確認ができるブログのようなもの。当ページの内容を許可なく転載・ダウンロードすることは禁止しています。💬

求職中 JobLooking 視聴中 WatchingDS9🖖 課題曲 Karaokeアゲハ蝶 作業中 WorkingOriginal fic SWD touch up


It seems that Vampire Hunter D animated movie is being re-screened in both Japan and the US. I would be happy if its original novel series gains more fans as well. Since some Boktai fans seems to be interested in this, I'm going to try to put together a text about the similarities between Boktai and Kikuchi's novels. However, it may take a while to write it in both Japanese and English.2025.3.13


I thought Cardassians seemed to be lounging in the sun on their days off, but I guess they don't like it as bright as the sun... I've recently been attracted to the Cardassian boys♡ and thought this was a dangerous sign, so I tried to do something different and fixed my original fictions a bit. I always think that StarTrek is such a dangerous genre to get into because there are too many unexplored attractive elements. 2025.3.9


It's getting cooler again and I can't sow seeds😅 I realized that the second anniversary of this site is coming soon... what should I do.2025.3.7


The weather is getting warm and I'm busy working on the backyard. Today I was fixing the chicken coop and couldn't work on my computer. Because egg prices are super high now so hens are precious. It's almost the season I hear chicks chirping from the back of post office🐤 2025.3.1

Previous Month



I finished a personal project yesterday so I resumed drawing for the video of Boktai 23rd anniversary. I'm working on the last animation sequins and finally I finished all the character drawing. I'm going to draw about 20 frames of a flying bird and the solar tree for the background next.2025.2.26


My roommate was moved out so I was busy for a while. I hope I don't get kicked out because of it. The weather is warming up and I want to prepare my little kitchen garden to sow some vegetable seeds. I basically don't grow anything I can't eat🌱2025.2.23


My family started watching the season two of StarTrek DS9 last week, but my parent still cannot recognize Mr. Morn from the crowd. I like Odo but I like Cardassians as well. So who wants a holosuite program of romance with Cardassian gentlemen😍2025.2.20


I'm getting lazy to repeat what I'm doing every time I post a blog entry here so I made the status bar above. So far I couldn't find any remote job that doesn’t require fluency in English.2025.2.16

バレンタイン紳士の集合絵とジャンゴの立ち絵を追加でアップしました。久しぶりにXにログインしたらGrokと話せるようになってた。さっそく試してみたら「ボクタイ絵ばかり描いてないでたまには本当の太陽の下に出た方がいい」というような感じで散々からかわれたw Geminiともたまに話してみるけどGrokの方がクセモノの様子。ちなみに無課金ユーザーには二時間で25問しか訊ねさせてくれないらしい。

I added the group picture and Django's full-body art on the Valentine art page. I found Grok available on my X account so I tried to talk. Then it roasted me a lot like I need to get out in the real sunlight, not just making Boktai art inside lol I talk to Gemini sometimes too but Grok seems more strange guy🤖 So far it only allows 25 questions every a couple of hours for non-premium users.2025.2.16



I post the Valentine's day arts on the gallery. I glad I could complete them in time (at least in my time zone). I've drawn the gentlemen up to there knees and would like to share the larger image as a group picture or something. The drawing above is Black Django I didn't share on X and you know why😗2025.2.14


会いたかったよー!はーくーしゃーくー!! 主線は終わったかな…後は影と色。バレンタインに間に合え💦

I wanted to see you, Count! I think the line drawing is done... shadow and colors are left. Hurry up😅 2025.2.10


フットボールのルールはよく知らないので、スーパーなやつはオープニングとハーフタイムショーとCMだけ観て雰囲気を味わったり🏈 絵はそろそろ急がないとバレンタインに遅刻しそうな紳士。

I don't know much about football so I only watched the opening and half time show and the commercials🏈 The drawing is another gentleman that I have to hurry to finish in time for Valentine's day.2025.2.9



The characters I chose for this year's valentine art are only gentlemen. So I won't draw Dainn and Ratatosk who were appearing as a boy (even they are much older than how they look). My goal of this year is to draw grown-up arts so.2025.2.3



Today is a rare Setsubun day in Japan, which usually happens in February third, to drive away demons (= bad stuff) for coming spring season. Without soybeans to throw, Dumas came for chocolate. Anyway giving Duke the Valentine chocolate just makes Perrault fat.2025.2.2


I've been getting ad emails from Universal Studio after I went there last year. I read them sometimes and just learned about the limited time sci-fi, fantasy, and anime themed event they will hold in this spring. I'm interested in that one of the event's featured series is StarTrek and it seems the visitor able to get into the bridge of Enterprise-D. Hmm why I can see fifth light...😂 2025.2.1



I had to climb up a sand mountain of 500 feet, is about 40 stories building high. The slope was very steep near the top, and the sand crumbled under my feet with every step I took. I don't do this kind of activity very often, so it was hard and I was out of breath. Taking many breaks, I climbed a few steps at a time, and finally I made it to the top! I've looked out over the open world and felt a sense of accomplishment. I've never climbed a mountain to the top but a sand now😎2025.2.1



I made a bat-damask pattern for the Valentine's day art. Even drawing something sexy is too hard for me maybe I can try dandy instead. By the way, I got [Vampire Hunter D] Vol. 43 book yesterday and read. The first half was great, but the later half was difficult. Though it's always nice when there is a vampire gentlemen in the story, not just beautiful female vampires. I liked the word "kiss-check"(?) which Kikuchi just made up lol 2025.1.25


I went shopping today and realized Valentine's day is coming soon. It's time to think about Valentine art for this year. I feel like I want to draw gentlemen like Count and Count but I don't know if I can draw sexy adult men...🥺2025.1.23

時間ができたので描き初めしようと数か月ぶりにペンタブを出したのに、フォトショの設定やプリセットを移すのに時間がかかり結局何も描けなかったという😕 親が観ていたTNGが終了してDS9を観始めたので一緒に再視聴。今作の吹き替え声優はシスコ=G1コンボイ、オドー=G1メガトロン、ベシア=TFPメガトロンという組み合わせでTF味が強い。ベイジョー人はあまり好かないけどカーデシア人は好みなので(物語は重めだけど)楽しみにしてる。 

I got some free time and took out my pen-tablet for the first time last a few months to draw something. But it took me a while to transfer the setting and presets for the Photoshop and end up drawing nothing😕 My parent finish watching all TNG episodes and start watching DS9 so I. In this series, the voice actors of Japanese dub are Sisko = G1 Optimus,  Odo = G1 Megatron, and Bashir = TFP Megatron, so sounds a lot like the TF for me. I'm not a big fan of Bajorans but I like Cardassians so I'm looking forward to rewatch the series.2025.1.21

先ほどTNGを全シーズン観終わっちゃって残るは映画のみ。データに会えなくなるのは寂しいぞ😢 RGBライトのリモコンの問題はボタンの印刷された表面を剥がして前のと取り替えることで解決。とりあえずパソコン本体はやんわりオレンジ色に光らせておく。

I've finished watching all the episodes of TNG and only the movies are left. I'll miss Data😭 The RGB light's remote problem is solved by removing and swapping the surface sheet of buttons with the previous one. I let the new computer glowing a dim orange.2025.1.18

[Link]ページに無料配布の画像を何点かアップしたのでご自由にお持ち帰り下さい。絵文字フォントのちらつきも直してみたので少しは見やすくなったでしょうか。 今日は例のRGBライト用の新しいリモコンが届いて問題なく使えることを確認。ボタンの表示と効能が違うようだけど、まあ色々といじってみよう。

I shared some free images on [Link] page so please feel free to download and use them if you like. Also I fixed the variation in the emoji font displayed on this site so I believe it's better now. I got the new remote for the computer's RGB light today and it works just fine. The button labels and functions seem to be different but I'll play around with it.2025.1.18

実は今年から家に新しい某衛星通信のシステムを導入していて、ついに念願の高速&無制限のネットが使えるようになりました🥲 ということで、さっそくリモートでできる仕事を探そうと思ってます。パンデミックで失業してからずっと無職してたから。

Maybe it's a bit late to tell, but my house got a new satellite internet system this year, and finally the high speed internet with unlimited data service is available for me🛰 So I'm going to look for a remote job that I can work from home. I've been unemployed since I lost my job due to the pandemic.2025.1.17


Replacing the battery of the remote controller for RGB light didn't fix the problem, so I contacted the seller and they offered me to send a new remote. And today I installed additional fonts into the new PC, then Photoshop started crashing which was working fine yesterday. So I uninstalled the emoji fonts and it returned to normal. Which means the Photoshop malfunction on my previous computer may have been caused by emoji fonts...?😱2025.1.13

今週はパソコンに掛かり切りだったので今日はお休みして映画の鑑賞。ついに[Despicable Me 4]を観ることができました。放題は[怪盗グルーのミニオン超変身]ということで、グルーやら二世やらメガミニオンが活躍する話。物語は予想以上に楽しめて大円満でもしかして完結編?という不安がもたげたり。最後にシリーズ総キャラでTears for Fearsの曲とか歌ったら泣いちゃうだろうが;w;

I was working on my computer for a while so I took a break today and made it a movie day. Finally I could watch Despicable Me 4 and it was really good. The story was much fun and touching than I was expecting. I was almost cry when all the characters from the series getting together and singing Tears for Fears' song😭2025.1.12


It was a nice sunny day so I took the two computers outside to blow away the dust and did a physical cleaning to pray to ward off bug and glitch in the future😉 So today, 1/11, I'm pleased to announce from my new PC "Mina-II" that I've officially switched my computer. Well the RGB light problem is not solved yet, though it's a celebration time so I don't mind🥳2025.1.11


Progress report. Major files have been moved. I still need to set up the fonts and environment stuff. It took a while because I'm organizing the backup files in my external SSD as well. I found images I made or drew many years ago and I was a bit impressed. Some I missed, but some I didn't want to remember🥲 I wondered why my PC got a problem at this time, but I've been using it for +15 years, so maybe this is the right time to clean out the old files and set up a new environment. I'd like to make a fresh start with the new machine.2025.1.9


It's already been a week since the new year's day. I installed Adobe programs and the pen-tablet driver into the new PC. I could transfer the user preference and presets so I can use them just like my previous PC. The file transfer cable worked just fine too and it's easy to move files between two PCs. I'm going to move the files little by little. The RGB light on the front panel that I can't turn off, because it seems the battery in the remote control is dead. I guess I have to let it keep glowing until I can get the new battery. Christmas continues here 2025.1.7


By the way, the new PC has several internet browser app by default and I tried to check this website. Then I found that some browser still overrides the emoji I specify and should be displayed. There is no problem with Chrome on Android and Edge on my Laptop... why😂2025.1.6

ついに代替機となるPC本体が届きました! 中古のリファブ品ということで表面はキズだらけ(汗)ながら、内部は思ったよりも綺麗でとりあえず無事にウィンドウズが立ち上がったので報告。ゲーム仕様に改造されており、本体前面で点灯する虹色ライトの止め方が分からない以外は問題は発生してません。うるさいw

I received the alt desktop PC today! The surface has scratches which is hard to say minor but the inside is clean then I thought, and I could turn on the machine and setup the Windows. There is no problem so far except I can't figure out how to turn off the flashing rainbow light on the front panel. So noisy😳 2025.1.6


I just heard about Molcar's movie (my place is too isolated to get recent news) and watched the trailer. I was surprised that Otenko... I mean Otsuka did the voice. I also watched the collaboration trailer of Molcar and TF:BW live-action movie (which I've never heard of before as well) I found from the search result. I surprised Genda (who did Optimus' JP dub) did the voice. I guess I'm in their target age group. I'm so hap-pui though😉2025.1.5

明けましておめでとうございます🐍 忙しい年末も無事に過ぎ、ようやく今日の午後にはのんびりする時間が取れました。巳年ということで年賀状には大人カーミラを描いてみました。今年はもっと「大人な絵」が描けるように頑張りたいです。パソコンの代替機も近日中に届く(と思う)ので、新しいデジタル作画環境も整えていければと思います。

Happy New Year!🎉 It was a busy end-of-year time but finally I could take a break this afternoon. I drew adult Carmilla yesterday for the greeting of year of the Snake. As I wrote on its description, I want to be able to draw 'grown-up' art this year. The alt computer I ordered should be delivered soon, so I'd like to setup my new digital drawing environment too. 2025.1.1
