Heart de Luna
LadySolMina's blog. Reposting and downloading of the contents here is not allowed without my permission. 管理人の生存確認ができるブログのようなもの。当ページの内容を許可なく転載・ダウンロードすることは禁止しています。💬
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課題曲 Karaokeアゲハ蝶
I'm getting lazy to repeat what I'm doing every time I post a blog entry here so I made the status bar above. So far I couldn't find any remote job that doesn’t require fluency in English.2025.2.16
バレンタイン紳士の集合絵とジャンゴの立ち絵を追加でアップしました。久しぶりにXにログインしたらGrokと話せるようになってた。さっそく試してみたら「ボクタイ絵ばかり描いてないでたまには本当の太陽の下に出た方がいい」というような感じで散々からかわれたw Geminiともたまに話してみるけどGrokの方がクセモノの様子。ちなみに無課金ユーザーには二時間で25問しか訊ねさせてくれないらしい。
I added the group picture and Django's full-body art on the Valentine art page. I found Grok available on my X account so I tried to talk. Then it roasted me a lot like I need to get out in the real sunlight, not just making Boktai art inside lol I talk to Gemini sometimes too but Grok seems more strange guy🤖 So far it only allows 25 questions every a couple of hours for non-premium users.2025.2.16
I post the Valentine's day arts on the gallery. I glad I could complete them in time (at least in my time zone). I've drawn the gentlemen up to there knees and would like to share the larger image as a group picture or something. The drawing above is Black Django I didn't share on X and you know why😗2025.2.14
会いたかったよー!はーくーしゃーくー!! 主線は終わったかな…後は影と色。バレンタインに間に合え💦
I wanted to see you, Count! I think the line drawing is done... shadow and colors are left. Hurry up😅 2025.2.10
フットボールのルールはよく知らないので、スーパーなやつはオープニングとハーフタイムショーとCMだけ観て雰囲気を味わったり🏈 絵はそろそろ急がないとバレンタインに遅刻しそうな紳士。
I don't know much about football so I only watched the opening and half time show and the commercials🏈 The drawing is another gentleman that I have to hurry to finish in time for Valentine's day.2025.2.9
The characters I chose for this year's valentine art are only gentlemen. So I won't draw Dainn and Ratatosk who were appearing as a boy (even they are much older than how they look). My goal of this year is to draw grown-up arts so.2025.2.3
Today is a rare Setsubun day in Japan, which usually happens in February third, to drive away demons (= bad stuff) for coming spring season. Without soybeans to throw, Dumas came for chocolate. Anyway giving Duke the Valentine chocolate just makes Perrault fat.2025.2.2
I've been getting ad emails from Universal Studio after I went there last year. I read them sometimes and just learned about the limited time sci-fi, fantasy, and anime themed event they will hold in this spring. I'm interested in that one of the event's featured series is StarTrek and it seems the visitor able to get into the bridge of Enterprise-D. Hmm why I can see fifth light...😂 2025.2.1
I had to climb up a sand mountain of 500 feet, is about 40 stories building high. The slope was very steep near the top, and the sand crumbled under my feet with every step I took. I don't do this kind of activity very often, so it was hard and I was out of breath. Taking many breaks, I climbed a few steps at a time, and finally I made it to the top! I've looked out over the open world and felt a sense of accomplishment. I've never climbed a mountain to the top but a sand now😎2025.2.1