Heart de Luna

LadySolMina's blog. Even this is no longer a hidden page, reposting and downloading of the contents here is not allowed. 管理人の生存確認ができるブログのようなもの。隠しページから表コンテンツになりました。当ページの内容は転載・ダウンロード禁止となっています。

ボクトーバー絵の下書きをしてから夕食の料理をしようとキッチンで作業していたらコンロが小爆発を起こして久しぶりに悲鳴を上げた💥 幸い大事には至らなかったけどガス台は交換することになりそう。つまみにかけていた右手の甲だけ軽い火傷をしたようで冷やしているところ……ペン入れしたいのだけど🥲

I did the draft drawing for tomorrow's boktober art this evening. Then I was working in the kitchen to cook dinner, and suddenly the stovetop had a small explosion💥😮 I knew it was getting old and had some problems. Luckily I'm safe and it didn't get serious, but the stovetop have to be replaced. Only the back of my right hand has a minor burn and is cooling now. I want to continue the drawing though...2024.10.13


There was a new post on Guestbook but it seems spam... bye🥲 I went to an office supply store today to look for ink for my dip pen but they didn't have it in the art supply section. Not having art supply store near my place is inconvenient. But I found an empty brush pen for watercolor at the dollar store so I'm going to try with the invisible ink. 2024.10.12


Speaking of LK, I want to make the next episode of OC manga. But my photoshop is out of order and I have to face the problem of getting a new PC. October is a busy month so I'll run away a bit longer.2024.10.10


I'm listning to LK's New Curiacan music and can't stop looping... I must be tired. I haven't had enough sleep since Boktober started, but I don't want to cut corners because I love this series so much🥹2024.10.9


My family believe adults don't need birthday celebrations, but I grew up in the US and I feel wrong. I've never had my own birthday cake with anyone outside of my family, and I never even got a balloon for my birthday. Why I feel sad😭2024.10.6

忙しくてブログまで手が回らない💦 ボクトーバー絵は要ブラックライトなのでスキャナーが使えずカメラと三脚のセットアップが必要→フォトショが使えないので写真をトリムしてサイト名を入れるためだけにノートパソコンを取り出す→片付けてアナログ環境をセットアップして作画、を同じデスクでひたすら繰り返す一ヵ月になりそう。まあつまり作業環境が狭い。

I'm too busy to update the blog💦 I have to setup the camera and tripod to capture Boktober drawing since scanner doesn't have blacklight → take out my laptop just for trim the photos and insert website address → setup blacklight and ink to draw next art... It's going to be a month of repeating those process at the same desk. I think my working space is too small.2024.10.3




From the end of last month, my desktop PC doesn't like the Photoshop anymore. I have an substitute laptop (with better spec actually) so I can keep Boktober challenge with no problem but a bit more work. Though malfunction with this computer affects my mental condition since it's a partner from my student days...😭

I bought this computer with scholarship (believe or not I was a good student even I don't speak English lol) for my college classes to learn CGI. It could run 3D graphic animation programs very smoothly, so it must have been a high-spec machine that is too good for a student.

So far there is no major problem on this PC except Photoshop keep crushing. I should think about getting next PC while it still works. The biggest problem is the budget... I don't have scholarship this time!2024.10.1


近況報告…フォトショがクラッシュするようになった\(^o^)/ とりあえずボクトーバー用の写真はノートパソコンの方で用意できるけど、ただでさえ机回りがブラックライトとカメラのセットアップでごちゃごちゃしてるのに、その上PCまで不調とか困る;w;

My photoshop started crashing... oh no😱 I have an laptop PC for graphics so I can adjust pics for Boktober, but it's going to be a tough October for me ;w;2024.9.30


I tested the invisible blacklight ink for Boktober. I was thinking to draw with white ink on black paper but it seems invisible ink doesn't work on dark background. The smooth marker paper I liked to use reflects blacklight so I can't use with the invisible ink. I would use regular sketch paper this time💡 2024.9.27

特に捻りもなく[Heart de Luna]いかがでしょう。[Heart del Sol]も某太陽銃の名前に肖った英語+スペイン語の合成語だからドメインの入手も難しくなかった。スペイン語はさっぱりなんで「del」と「de」の違いが今ひとつ分からないけど冠詞の有無っぽい感じ。実際「the」もよく分からないし汗

How about [Heart de Luna] with no twists? Like [Heart del Sol], it's an English + Spanish compound word named after "Gun del Sol". Because of that reason, getting the web domain was easy. I don't know much about Spanish, so I'm not sure the difference between "del" and "de". It seems to be the presence or absence of an article,  but I can't even understand the correct use of "the". 2024.9.26


I updated some info on [Sitemap]. I'm trying to use the emoji as the header icons. And considering the title of this blog. I was thinking sunny something but I already used it for the forum. Maybe moon something... 2024.9.25

現在サイト内の絵文字が使用されている箇所を調整中です。ページによっては読み込みが遅い気がするけど自分のネット環境が悪いせいかも。この絵文字、画像ではなくフォントということで色も替えられて大変便利👍 判子みたいな可愛さがあるし、絶滅したと思っていたブロブ🙋にまた会えて嬉しいし。

I'm adjusting the places in this site where emojis is used. It seems some pages load a bit slower but maybe because of my internet environment. This emoji set is a font, not a image, so I can change the color freely and very useful👍 It's cute like rubber stamp, and I'm happy to see the blobs again which I thought was extinct 🧙2024.9.23

サイトで表示する絵文字、機種ごとのバラつきがものすごく気になる。本当はTwemojiを使いたいけど他所のサーバーから参照する形になるので避けたいし。ということでGoogleFontの「NoteEmoji」を埋め込んでみました。一色なので国旗がショボい 🇯🇵 以外は良い感じです…色って大事だね😅

😁 🤔 🥰 😊 😱 🥹 🧑‍🎨 🧜 👻 ❤️ 🧡 🤍 🫶️️ ☀️ 🌙 🌻 🐱 🐢 🦭 🍰 🍓 🍹 🎃 🧸 🎒 💬

I don't like every device shows different emoji when browsing this site. Twemoji is my favorite pictograms but I don't want to borrow them from other server. So I embedded "Noto Emoji" from GoogleFont. They are look nice except flags 🇺🇸 because of monochromatic... color is important 😂2024.9.22

秋です。本日より隠しページだったブログが表コンテンツになります。理由は隠すほど大した内容じゃないから汗 名前はまだない。[プロフィール]ページも更新しました。

It's officially fall. This blog become a main content from today. It's no longer hidden because I don't write anything worth hiding. I'm still considering the title and it's just Blog now. I updated the [Profile] page too. 2024.9.22 📌


So #Boktober2024 art prompt is just published. I'm going to join the challenge as an artist this year again. I got an UV light bulb today. It's purely for art purpose, not to cheat the solar sensor lol 2024.9.21


Is there any five-colored puyo strategy? Also I heard they are releasing the true LoZ but where's Ganondorf's game? Even Tingle has his own game?? I like Gerudo characters so much.2024.9.20

Pic034 秋絵はラタトスクに決定。冬にも描いた気がするけど。襟元よくわからないんだよな…。

So I'm drawing Ratatosk for the fall equinox. I think I drew him last winter though. I don't know how his collar should be look like...2024.9.18


It's harvest moon tonight. It should be a full moon but the upper part is chipped because of a partial lunar eclipse. The weather has suddenly cooled down over the past few days. I made a curtain of the fall season for my room window today. This Sunday is the fall equinox. What should I draw...2024.9.17


Someone got kiriban but did not reported. You missed a free request chance! Anyway I'll be busy this fall so it's okay. By the way, I'm thinking to make this blog into regular page, not a secret content.2024.9.15


ユニバは二度目だけどまたメガトロン様にライドをグラグラしてもらえて幸せ♡ 予定が詰めていたので一緒に写真を撮れなかったのはちょっと残念。グッズストアももう少し見て回りたかった。夜間のイベントには参加しなかったけどハロウィン仕様のボブのグッズ欲しかった。

So I went on a field trip. One of my party was birthday and loves game stuff so we went Universal Studio to visit the Nintendo World. I didn't have many opportunities to go to amusement parks as a kid, and I live far away now, so it was really fun.

This was my second time visiting there, and I was feeling really pleased when Megatron is rocking the ride in front of me♡ I was a bit disappointed that our schedule was packed (park hours were shortened for the Halloween night event) so I couldn't take a picture with him and look around the character shops. I wanted some Minion Bob stuff in Halloween style. 2024.9.13


My parent is watching StarTrek and now they are on TNG season two. I saw TNG more than ten years ago and I don't remember them well except Data was cute. Though I saw the episode that Worf's friends helped him to attend a ceremony of his culture on the holodeck, and it reminded me that no one celebrated my coming-of-age ceremony and makes me sad again. I wanted to wear the traditional furisode kimono...😭  2024.9.10

FanFic Thumbnailこちらが彩色した挿絵風イラストの濃ゆい方。リンクを貼ると(運が良いと)サムネになるやつ。薄い方は二次創作ギャラリーに飾ってあります。剣とかも足してもっと盛りたかったけど武器とか描けない時間がなかった。ペンダントはDのだけど魔界都市要素がない気もする。お気に入りは触手のようなものw

Here's the dark version of the illustration for my Kikuchi related fan-fics. The light version is on the fanart gallery. I wanted to add a sword but I can't draw weapons I had no time. The pendant is from VHD but there's no obvious MakaiToshi element. My favorite part is the tentacle-ish lol2024.9.8


There's smoke coming from wildfire somewhere and it giving me a headache. How long will it last...😂 2024.9.7


I got a message from the host of Boktober, and we're choosing the prompts now. I was wondering why this site got more visitors than usual last a couple of days, then found out that someone quoted several images of my boktai fanarts on a discord channel. I just learned another meaning of the word "cake" lol2024.9.5


I rarely feel frustrated but the video drawings and fanfic illustration and corrections aren't going well. I can't reach another host of boktober too. Though I have a field trip this month so I'm excited already.2024.9.3


Google said the average Japanese bunko (paperback) novel has about 100,000-120,000 characters, which means my original fiction series in the gallery already has that length. When I was in school, my essays were often too long and had to shorten even written in English. Correction and optimization are always important.2024.9.2


Ahhh It's September already. I added a little illustration for Kikuchi Fanfic section on my Fanart gallery. I drew it with ink on paper first but it wasn't came out nicely so redrew digitally. I will color it later though it looks not bad in one color.2024.9.1


I didn't make much progress on the anniv video, so I made a doodle to refresh and posted. I made its rough sketch like five years ago. I just received the UV ink and dip-pen + nib set for this year's Boktober. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm looking forward to it. 2024.8.27


It's getting cooler slightly but the internet is unstable. I could work on some drawing for the anniv video animation a bit this week, and wrote some fan-fic too. My desktop PC is getting tired and I'm considering to get a new one or not. I got this computer to work on motion graphics and CGI for my college classes so it has a good spec. But I have to handle much larger images on Photoshop recently and its performance is not as good as before. I already have a laptop with better spec and using it for editing video though. This desktop is becoming a dedicated device for drawing and writing... and managing website.2024.8.24


I just googled about the English version of "Damon Princess" books and found it has the map of the City! The original Japanese book don't have any map and the list of characters. The only problem to read this series is that I'm not familiar with the city of Shinjuku at all.2024.8.18



I updated that bat-and-moth drawing. Also I put a new fan-fic of Kikuchi's Demon City Sinjuku novel series (in Japanese). I don't own much Demon City related books yet. The first story I read was "Demon Princess" because it has a lot of vampires characters. Yes Yakou is cute.

I had to buy this story as ebook even my internet environment isn't good. I still have difficulty to browse those books online so finally I purchased the paper books on Amazon.jp a few months ago. Most second-hand bookstores don't ship internationally, so the books I bought are still at my relative's house. It will be a while before I can read them.2024.8.18


I started this as a doodle so I didn't plan to color this much. Maybe I'll give this a gallery page instead of put into a doodle page... and how I explain this ^^;2024.8.16


"Prayer to disperse garden pests." So I drew this to cheer up the bats. Without the post below, it looks just a bad guy kidnapping a butterfly girl lol2024.8.15


One of my out-of-house tasks is done so I can get back to my computer soon. These days I spend a lot of time removing larvae from the leaves of the vegetables I grow in my kitchen garden. I HATE caterpillars and it's hot outside so it sucks. Where are all the bats? They should eat more moths in the night!2024.8.15



I heard NicoNico is now back so I have to continue to work on the anniversary video (even it's late). So if I finished this project, what will I do next? I'm thinking to take a break from Boktai fanart for a while and try to make some fanfic(?) of Kikuchi's Demon City Shinjuku (aka Makai Toshi, but not the one became an animation film) related novels... in Japanese.

I think this series has some English translation books thought I honestly don't know how popular it is inside and outside of Japan. Probably not as much as Vampire Hunter D. It's interesting that the keywords like 'puppeteer', 'gated/closed city', 'the guy in black coat looking for someone',  'winged vampire leader', and 'info broker' are sound familiar to Boktai fans lol  2024.8.11


By the way, my being lazy means I'm working on my OC and original stuff. I believe there is no problem to share it on here, but it was some text files and only in Japanese^^;2024.8.7


It's hot but I'm doing okay... though being lazy. There was a little earthquake when I was drawing that Dainn manga, and one of my Otenko doll fell into my head from the top of my desk ;w; 2024.8.7.8


Drawing Shin Dainn for some reason. It's a summer homework from X. Sensei said "imagine!" but I'm not good at coming up with action or physical attack scenes...2024.7.28


I drew Sabata for the anniversary art of Bok2 in hurry which I didn't plan at first. I really loved Shin Dainn Hijioka drew to celebrate Bok2 20th. My parent (and I) finished watching TOS and start watching TNG today. Save the films for the weekends. Data is always cute, and Riker's JP dub voice is same as Otenko lol 2024.7.22


There was the first rainfall in several months. I had to turn off my computer most of the time because the voltage was unstable due to thunder. I just uploaded the anniversary art on X. Even I know 21st is the correct way now,  I celebrated the twenty-firth anniversary of Boktai series with everyone else XD2024.7.16


The media is reporting the same news all the time this evening... and the weather of my place is unstable even it's not related. I'd like to upload the Boktai series 21st anniversary art into the gallery ahead of time just in case my internet has any problem. Please don't share this art on X, Discord, and any social until Wednesday. 2024.7.13


No worry on my nose bleed. It's common thing in the summer that my nose bleeds almost everyday. I heard several mountain fire news so maybe the air quality is bad as well. I'm using a desktop PC for drawing so I can't move to the room that has a cooler while I'm working 💦2024.7.12

暑すぎて作業が滞ってる…部屋の温度が30度を上回るとペンタブを出して作画というのはちょっと難しい。代わりにサイトのメンテをしてみても息切れしちゃって集中できないし、熱でパソコンの寿命も縮みそうだし汗 …これ書いてたら鼻血まで出てきた汗汗

It's too hot to drawing on pen-tablet... my room doesn't have a cooler and can't concentrate on any work. I did some maintenance on this website instead but I worry about the health of my computer in this heat. ...Even my nose started bleeding when I was writing this 😂🧻2024.7.11


At Western Frontier Sector (I call my place that way because of VHD) today. Even in the shade and I can't read Fahrenheit. Grab Tasty Water when you get outside or you will die in 99 seconds. It seems this hygrometer can't measure humidity under 10%. 2024.7.9

七夕は何もできなかった…短冊を作ったとしても何て書くかは悩んだと思うけど。とりあえず動画が無事に完成しますように Jシc ´ー`)人 🎋

I couldn't do anything for Tanabata yesterday. I'm not sure what wish I wanted to make though. Maybe I would have wished for the anniversary video will be complete soon 🎋2024.7.8


Aw it's July already. It was the forth of July weekend and of course I was busy. I think I can't complete the finished version of 20th anniversary video before this year's Boktai series anniversary. Now I'm working on the last scene but it needs more time than I thought since I do not have the experience to make 2D animations. It doesn't mean I can make 3D animation more faster though. Anyway I try to finish the 21st (I often wrote 21th but I know it's incorrect) anniversary drawing in time.2024.7.5

Pic027あとは雲を足したり。ブログは別に作業進行状況報告所じゃないんだけど、好きなことを自由に語る自信がなかなか持てない; 絵の他に最近あった事といえば暑すぎてカレーにジャガイモを入れ忘れたことぐらいか…。今も部屋の温度が30℃超えてる。

Need clouds. My blog is not the place just for report my work progress though I can't be confident of talk what ever I want^^; One thing that happened to me recently was that I made curry-rice but forgot to add potatoes because temperature was too high. I'm sure outside temperature reaches 100F now.2024.6.26


Plushie Mega. I was looking for its color reference and found a lots of his official merchs even came out recently years. That's not fair ;w; This is the last picture of non-animated scene but I still have a few more with unfinished background.2024.6.23


Additional info : someone pointed out that I can't see my video on NicoNico because they are restricting access from abroad now. Maybe that's right ;w; 2024.6.19


My internet environment is bad and I don't watch videos often. So I didn't realize that I submitted the anniversary video (unfinished) when I heard NicoNico got cyber attack and many servers are still down. I checked it later and found I can't access to my video. Anyway I'm keep working on the video still but I'm not sure I can complete it until this year's Boktai anniversary. The remaining works are two background drawing, one coloring, and 20 frames of animation sequence... and make them into a movie. Far or near to completion? 2024.6.18

なんでこのひとこんなに塗るの難しいの; GBAからDSへのキャラ転生説を取るなら自分はGBA伯爵→DS公爵を説く。根拠は三つ:公爵は〈破壊の王〉を倒すまでは伯爵だったこと、蝙蝠ヘアーからのツノ、そして公式絵でこれでもかというほど見せつけられる腕組みポーズ。

Pic025Nothing but Duke... why he's so difficult to color? If Boktai characters tenseied into LK era, I'd argue that Count became Duke. There are three grounds: Duke was Count before he defeated Ratatosk, Count's bad bat hair into Duke's hornes, and his official art's posing with his arms folded. Hey open those arms and hug me please^^ 2024.6.13


Pic024I choose you, Liza! Frost tail and rabbit tail. I'm not sure I can make it before the 21st anniversary though I still have to finish several arts for the video. Also I didn't color this year's anniversary art yet...2024.6.10


It suddenly became hot this month and I'm feeling a bit of summer fatigue. Anywau here's glimpse Carmilla. I wanted to color this in pop and retro but are those conflicting styles? I took pop.2024.6.5


This is for the summer. I started this about two years ago and never done. I added a GariGari float today then googled to see if this really exists. The answer is yes, and often in alcoholic beverages... XD2024.5.28

Pic021サクランボの季節ということで収穫→種を取る→ジャムにするを繰り返して数日…もうしばらく続きそう🍒 画像は夏至用に描き始めたけどやっぱり21周年記念絵にしようか悩んでるやつ。記念動画の絵はぜんぜん進まない;w;

It's cherries in season. I'm making cherry jam for a few days and will continue for a while...🍒 The image below is the drawing I started for the summer solstice art but I think it's better for the 21th anniversary art. No progress on the 20th anniversary video arts 😭 2024.5.25


Still editing the CSS. I've never write fictions in English but my novel page has a little tab to move to sections within the page. I putted ︙ mark instead of up and down triangles which makes it look better. Is it for vertical Japanese writing...?2024.5.21


Adjusting the web design now. I can't take much time now though. I want to make a DL material page and a gallery page for the art gifts I received...2024.5.20

昨日の4コマをアップしたのと、サイトのアイコンがショボかったのを直したり。いつの間にグーグルの検索結果にファビコンまで表示されるようになったんだ…? ギャラリーの4コマ漫画が少ないのでデジタル絵の項に統合させようかとも思ってましたがちょっと様子見。実は4コマ描くの苦手でどうしても3コマで落ちちゃう…起承転結の承が理解できてない。

I updated 4-koma manga from yesterday, and I made the icon of this website a bit better. When Google started to display the favicons on the result page? As you see I don't have much 4-koma manga in my gallery. I'm not good at making them because every time I layout a story into the page somehow manga completes in the third panel ^^;2024.5.20


It's the season of "night temperature getting higher, makes me to draw something stupid." English translation preparing, and not funny as you're expecting. 2024.5.19


It's Monday. The counter reached kiriban so the next number is 2000. I didn't want to be a slave and tried to not see my mom yesterday. She already get my gift last week. 2024.5.13


Castle lit up. Finally the pen-tablet back to my PC and I restarted the rest of drawings for the Boktai anniversary video. So who thinks Polidori can be a female character? Was this alien guy actually a male?2024.5.9


After the major Japanese TV channel is gone, my parents started watching StarTrek TOS in JP dub. They each like StarTrek and Sharship Yamato, so I've never watch StarWars and Gundam. My favorite sci-fi series is the TF and I don't explore the new world much.2024.5.3


It was a eventful April... without much drawing time. I have to finish the drawings for the anniversary video first. Coloring for LK arts taking time.2024.5.2


I was not the main person but there was a life event I joined. It was a good experience because I don't often wear dresses and do hair and nails. Though now that things have settled down, I want to get back to work on my drawings.2024.4.28


Finally my furnitures get back where they were placed. Internet connection is recovering too, and still wondering what caused the problem. I was working in the yard while I couldn't stay in my room. I sowed some kabocha pumpkin seeds again, which fail every year. Who knows kabocha is not a Japanese word and Mexican have been eating it for more centuries. Ñam. 2024.4.23


There is no high speed internet cable reaches in my area and I'm using a satellite internet system. Though it losing stable internet connection from a few days ago and I can't do anything online most of the time. Why and how long will it last ;w;  2024.4.20


Anyway, there is still a mess in my room, I will take a break from drawing and updating the site for a while.2024.4.14


When I woke up in the morning, I found my room flooded due to broken water pipe. I had to vacuum out the water and put lumbers under the wooden furnitures thought, the only thing I placed on the floor directly was plastic containers, and the carpet is almost dry with electric fans, so there was no actual damage and I could sleep in the same room at night. I just re-realized how ShopVac is capable and how great the wire shelves are. Recommended. 2024.4.14


Above: the remake I feel I can manage to draw. Below: an unfinished and gave up piece from 13 years ago. Now I have to figure out how to apply that colors...2024.4.10


I observed the eclipse with a welding mask. I redraw my old solar eclipse themed Boktai drawing too. Talking of remake, I keep and organize my digital drawings with numbers, like my today's drawing is 64th and its original art is 11th file in my Boktai fanart folder. The problem is that the first art in that folder is WIP and had been not finished for 13 years. It's a drawing of Sabata and Carmilla on swing at the Moon. I feel it's still difficult, though I wonder if I can finish it now that I gave up on then...?  2024.4.8


New Rue-chan episode is updated. (Unfortunately) there is no such element in it at all though, the word hentai has a much stronger meaning in English than in Japanese. Originally, the word simply meant strange + behavior/state and nothing more. Can you believe that small boys love to use that word and I used to hear it in elementary school? Although when they grow up, they will realize the deeper meaning of the word lol I recently learned the word hogtie because of a misspelling of Boktai... thank you Google 😂  2024.4.7


I was talking with someone about Boktai in Smash, and we concluded that Lita is a better fighter rather than Django. So true.2024.4.2


>> Visit the X post | Xに貼ったやつ


Hope everyone was fooled. Though it's true that Gañondorf (Ganyo♡) is my main. Thanks to my sister for lending me the switch. All the letters and background is just a collage but the aura and sparkles were much difficult. Display it on the Switch screen took me a while too. The number is borrowed from that cardboard box guy. You can copy this picture so if anyone is still fooled tomorrow please post it.2024.4.1


I visited the city for some shopping errands. Last time I went a shopping mall is like two years ago... I don't like to buy stuff but I like looking at things at different stores, and why people around me don't understand that ;w; 2024.3.28


It's Monday and I'm alive. It's getting warmer and my garden work is getting more. I weeded today. If I can draw one panel a day, I can make one page of manga in a week, but why I couldn’t get much work done everyday... 2024.3.25


Inconsolata: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

So it's been a year since I started this website, I did a little work on the font on the home page. Previously different fonts were displayed in different devices. I found a good font on Google Fonts that looks like my favorite monotype so embedded it in the site. There are many monotype fonts with a dot in the zero but I prefer a line.2024.3.20

Pic015春です🌸 心なしか暖かくて眠い…。いつの間にかカウンターが1300回ってるし。下は作業中の二ページ目の子爵(兄だけ)。

It's spring🌸 I feel warm and sleepy today... Visitor counter's over 1300 already. Here's the bro (only) from the second page I'm working on.2024.3.19


I'd like to add something for Kikuchi stuff in my fanart gallery, but making fanart or fanfic from novels is much difficult than game or anime based work like Boktai and TF. Maybe I can write book report for each story though it would take time to re-read the all of them.2024.3.18

週末は堕ちる→描いたりしてました。コーンドビーフ煮たり…絵文字のクローバー両方あるのか☘️ これでで三位一体を説いたらしい聖パトリックさんの日なので三つ葉の方がありがたがられるようです。

I was drawing Rue-chan pages this weekend. Cooked the corned beef too... ah there are two clover emojis🍀 Four leaf clover is more common in Japan as a luckey symbol, especially design for girls' accesories around 2000 lol 2024.3.18


I had to take someone to ER in the midnight again and busy for a while. I may not have much time to do something for the first anniversary of this site. At least I'm working on the spring art, is Django with smaller hair I think.2024.3.12


Want to see the first panel of next Rue-chan story? I love old shoujo manga parody lol2024.3.10


I've been using a 20-years-old HTML editor to make this website, which is picky on some tags and behaves weird sometime. Internet browser has developer tools now so there is no problem to preview my pages, but the editor doesn't like my copy-and-paste text and automatically add extra tags I don't want. Yesterday I found the tag to blink letters working in a completely wrong place and laughed so hard. Why I didn't notice it after the last update... bug report is always welcome 😅2024.3.9


Last a few days I'm working on the next [Fall into Heaven: New Culiacan] pages instead of the anniv video arts. Thank you for those who gave this little series and my original characters encouraging comments, which I never received on dA. Picture below is the character concept art I did three years ago. Pic012

あまり深く考えずにスパイス・ハーブな名前を採用。美味しそうな方が(いろんなひとに)愛されそうだから。I gave them spicy or herbal names because I thought delicious names will be loved... by everyone.

A - Anise アニス
B - Basilia バジリア (basil バジル)
C - Cinamonor シナモーナ (cinnamon シナモン)
R - Rue ルー (ヘンルーダ)

あと心掛けてることは必ずオチをつけること…鬱にならないように。What I try to keep in mind is to always give the story an funny ending, to keep the story from becoming depressing.2024.3.7


Finally Guestbook got spam posts yesterday. It seems the server's access restriction is in effect. So they wait for their IP address to change and post it again. Shoot.2024.3.6


I heard Japanese broadcasting channel have ended in Europe, and now the major JP broadcaster in the US will end its service at the end of this month. I didn't have any particular show I was watching but I might miss it a bit. Without a stable internet, it's difficult to get the latest news from far away.2024.3.3


I saw the word "Heisei Retro" on the internet. Most of my life was in the Heisei era... what should I feel ;w; 2024.3.1


Every month I compress my posts here and put down like box baler and flush toilet, but it doesn't mean that I don't like them. Just making room for the new period. It's almost spring 🌸2024.3.1


It's leap day! I could work on the anniv video project today.2024.2.29


Usually weekend is more busier for me. This weekend was a bit longer... though my left hand knuckle is healed. So the visitor counter exceeded the kiriban again... what number should I set next? Since I got so many impudent(?) requests on dA that is not pleasant, I'm asking for kiriban screenshot now to limit requests, but maybe it's not be necessary for personal websites like here. 2024.2.28


What, it's a neko day? Didn't I say I like guinea pigs better? Anyway here are Djangos who are not supported by nekomimi because of the hair style. Why there was no change cat magic?2024.2.22


Hello again today. My knuckle seems to be pain from tendonitis, and from what I've found the common cause is computer or smartphone use. Probably my pen-tablet buttons or wheel...? It's getting better and I'm glad it's not caused by too much middle finger rising lol2024.2.22


I felt like something's missing from manga Otenko in the anniv video. It's teeth!2024.2.21


I have no idea how but I hurt the knuckle tendon of my left middle finger yesterday. I never gave my middle finger to anyone tho...🤔 2024.2.21


I'm working on art while mumbling here. The visitor counter of this website is increasing faster than I expected. Maybe I have to assign kiriban in smaller increments. Also it's weird that I don't see any spam post on Guestbook recently. Are access restrictions working properly or did they think this forum was worthless...? 2024.2.21


I'm working on drawings for the anniv video. I'd like to share my fan art/fiction of Kikuchi's Demon City series too but I don't know what to do since it's an adult novel... By the way, next Fall to the Heaven episode is about shopping mall and fashion. I can come up with many story ideas but my working speed is really slow. How bad! 2024.2.20


Usually I take three hours to read each VHD book but I was sleepy and took me two nights. This story did not have much regular vampires and the dead undead is weird being. Well Valentine's over so I'll be back to making the anniv video.2024.2.16


I made it. I baked coffee brownie today, and how nice that I just got VHD's new book (vol.42) too! I'm going to read it tonight... sweet♡2024.2.14


Because I said I'll draw Valentine's art on my X account. Can I make this in time...?2024.2.12


After I did the drawing below, I realized that what I've done is just the same as what Larry did...😅2024.2.8


Daww. Miles had to lend Sebastian the tissue on his lapel.2024.2.5

Pic007逆検イチ推しの子。バソザイにひとつだけ良かったことがあるとしたら息子をこんなに素敵なアホの子に育ててくれたことかなw 最終章で(68)が一晩でやってくれたというあの現場は信じ難いけど。

I just learned the Investigations 2 is not released in EN and its character names are unofficial. Even so the only good thing about Blaise is that he made his son such a cute idiot!2024.2.5


AA5/6 and Investigations games I played recently reminds me of a friend from school who was a big fan of this series. To be honest, I felt so nostalgic that almost cried when the certain character throws his xxx lol I haven't seen my friend since she went to Japan over ten years ago though I'm hoping she's doing well.2024.2.2

しばらく家のことで忙しくていつの間にか二月に。久しぶりにERに入った…今回は付添いとして。スキマ時間で逆検1に続いて2までなんとかクリア。イトノココッチの給料を減らすゲームかと思って始めたけどそうでもなかったッス。最初は嫌いだったけど涙もろい息子わりと可愛かった。一番良かったのはその息子が縛られてたところカルマのおっさんの登場シーンかなw なんというかファザコンの祭典だった。

I was busy for a while with some family stuff and it's February already. I finished the Investigations 2 today. I hate Sebastian first but somehow I really like him now. The best scene was when Karma dad appears.2024.2.2


I finished the Investigations. It was difficult than I thought. I got the second cartridge when I give back the first one...2024.1.28

SWD次にどのエピソードを仕上げるか迷ってる。わりと書き終わってる話があるけどクリスマスの話だし。 ところで今朝起きたら机の上に逆転検事のソフトが置いてあった。遊べと…?

I found the AA Investigations cartridge putting on my desk this morning. Should I play it...? 2024.1.25


I updated the Website Info. Now you can donate to help me to pay for the server hosting and domain. I do this because I hate web ads and paid contents. Please and thank you for your understanding🙏2024.1.24


I posted Nahyutosk on my X account. I have no objection if someone draw Dainn in Blackquill outfit. 2024.1.23


Another favorite character from AA5 (I won't give any spoiler warning here unless new releases). I knew the 456 bundle will be released this week just after I finished 6 a few days ago... hmm I want to play the DLC stories.2024.1.22


[Any ideas?] I noticed that I have the same hairstyle as him every night. My braids are on the left side though, it was new to me because mine is just for bedtime. But I don't have the courage to go out with this hairstyle... 2024.1.22

Pic005\ナユタン/ 時間があったら塗る。ずっとミッちゃん派だったけどついに乗り換えた。最後に人間キャラ好きになったのいつだっただろう(遠い目)。

I'll color this if I have time. I liked Edgeworth for years since I first played AA in GBA, but finally I found a character I like even more. I don't remember when was the last time I liked a human character.2024.1.22


So here he is, Nahyutosk. 2024.1.21


By the way it's no longer able to get DLC for it now...2024.1.18

終わった!明け方まで頑張ってエンディングまで辿り着いた。深夜にノッペラボウは怖すぎたけど面白かった;w; 龍とか龍の話だったね辰年だね~って書こうと思ったけど英語版だとこの辺りどうなってるんだ…?ふわふわ検事白いラタトスクかと思ったら立場的にはサバタっぽかった。

I finished AA6 last night. It was really good stories! Though the faceless face was so scary to see at midnight ;w; I wrote there's white Ratatosk but actually he's more like Sabata.2024.1.18


When I told "there's purple Ratatosk in Minish Cap" those who played Boktai knows what I mean. Would be the same if I told them there's white one in AA6...? I rather like these types of characters.2024.1.16


I said I'm on vacation but I had to trim some trees yesterday. I have a Solar Tree on my yard and glowing green and red apples. I'm looking for a gold apple tree now... well I'm kidding. I could play the game today. The bunnies are cute even if they fly.2024.1.6


Finally I'm on vacation so decided to play Ace Attorney 6 (Spirit of Justice). I played 5 just a year ago... I don't remember anything except Robin was so cute.2024.1.14


I made a backup of my PC data and physically cleaned it out with air compressor. Every year I opened the PC body there's a snowscape inside. This time I found a web with no spider too. How did it know I needed a web for my site?2024.1.12


I thought it was the Count who sucked Sabata's blood, but according to the Hijioka's comment both never won the battle and Sabata lost to Dainn. It can be considered that Dainn sucked Sabata's blood, but we don't know that triggered Sabata's undeadning or not.2024.1.8


Ahh VHD's 42nd novel will be released in February!! I'm not sure when I can read it since I'm in the real Frontier Sector though. With the manga Count's new truth and D's new book I'm sure this year's going to be a great one♡2024.1.8


I got reply from Hijioka how nice. I want to take time to think more about the manga story but my todo list for this new year season isn't completed ;w;2024.1.8

伯爵はアルニカと面識がなかったっぽいから城にいたというのはどうだろう。いたけど知らなかったってことは…まあ伯爵に限ってはあり得るかw アルニカと枯れおてんこを城から救出したのがサバタだったとすると、ジャンゴが助けに行くまで何年くらい眠ってたんだろう。成長が止まって双子になっちゃって…とか。とりあえず眠り姫な兄は自分の中では完全にヒロインポジだった。で、ヒロインからの敵っていうお馴染みのシナリオ。

Considering Hijioka's comment. It seems Count never know Arnica, so isn't it difficult to think she was trapped in Count's castle with dried Otenko...? 2024.1.7


Hey Hijioka posted new Sabata drawing on his X account. We able to see Solar Boy Sabata only in the manga! 2024.1.7


Here's the dragon I drawn on the new year's card for my grandparents. It was my first try to draw this fantastic creature!2024.1.7


Finally my forum is started getting spam posts. It's so annoying even I don't get the messages often.2024.1.5

あれ…できたっぽい? 英語で検索かけたらもっと簡単に使えるスクリプトでてきた…;w;

It seems I made it! I googled it in English this time and soon I found the useful code.2024.1.4


I said I'll take break but I'm working for my website. I made the passcode enter form to visit a hidden page but I don't know how to active keyboard enter key to submit the number. I've never learned javaScript...2024.1.4


I uploaded the hidden pages so I'm going to take a break for a while since the holiday season was so busy. I need a kotatsu now because mandarins are ready.2024.1.3


My new yearly resolution is to finish the 20th anniversary video. I finished the most line drawings except the last sequence and coloring them now. Though I might have to redo the music by myself since it has copyright problem.2024.1.2


I heard the disaster news just after I wached Kouhaku and the happy new year's news from Japan. What a terrible new year's day...2024.1.1


Happy New Year to the World! And my heartfelt sympathy to the disaster area 🙏2024.1.1

あの沼は 嗚呼あの沼は 蓮の沼 ハイヤイヤーと歌が呼ぶ \セイッ/

The best music I learned this year is Big Foot by P-MODEL. Because of bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-foo. 2023.12.31


I don't watch Kouhaku show very much. Sadly most of the mainstream artist names and their music are not familiar to me. 2023.12.31


Eve of new year's eve. I'm practicing to draw dragon. 2023.12.30


So what do we call a vampire when one is full and can't drink anymore? 2023.12.28


I was thinking to draw something super sexy for the hidden page but I can't think of anything. Because hungry vampires are more sexy. 2023.12.27


I'll fold the posts from December next month so I can write whatever I want now. Although I'm a lady so I won't use bad words like 💩 2023.12.27


Picture posting test. I got some fabrics from a friend so I made these small stuffs as a gift for give back. I don't remember much about the movies though Harry Potter patterns. 2023.12.27


I'm still busy but I read one of VHD novel to take a break. It's been a while since I read D's story though the nobles it was wonderful as always♡♡♡ 2023.12.26


A human become the victim when vampire sucks his or her blood in Kikuchi's literature, but biting causes it in my story. Don't let them bite all they want. 2023.12.26


I got a set of washi craft tapes as a gift! It's made of paper, how nice!! I got some strange unique pens and markers too so my next year's bullet journal will be more fun. 2023.12.24

  12/22(金) 曇り時々雨


◇ ◇ ◇

The contents aside, I liked the design which you are looking at. One pixel border on a dark background always looks nice. Each month had a different theme color, and there was an image of a window which the sky changes its look every a couple of hours. Everything's written in terrible html though...


I found my previous blog from old files but who wants to read their own words from the teenage era (ugh). I'll just record the date in 'Memory' section. 2023.12.22


I'm not a big fan of BL. But is that can be a reason for non-fujoshi fans to leave the fandom and social media? 2023.12.22


I drew socks for the winter greeting but I actually prefer gloves, just so you know. 2023.12.21


I kept the winter drawing simple this year because I'm busy. For some reason most Japanese able to celebrate Xmas, but not everyone does in the world. Since I learned that, I make a drawing to celebrate solstice for the end of year season not a specific event to be fair for more people. I join the parties and exchanges gifts in real life thought. 2023.12.21

お洒落なクラフトテープ欲しいけど日本でしか売ってない。海外でwashi tapeの名称で売られているテープは紙じゃなくてビニール製っぽい。貼ってからしばらく経つと縮んで剥がれてくる悲しい…。

Sorry that most washi tapes you can get in the US are not made of washi. And what we call washi tape in English is called craft tape in Japan, and they are made of real papers. Meh. 2023.12.20


The problem is that what people find sexy is different for everyone. But I'm sure lack of tolerance on the viewer is not a bad thing at all. Why should those who are not want them have to make efforts not to see them. 2023.12.19


I believe it's totally free to draw and share sexy drawings, but sharing it on the social media for any ages without restriction is not a good idea. 2023.12.19


False: Internet connects people all over the world. True: Internet connects people around the world who have access to the internet. 2023.12.19

自分がマイナーなジャンルへ突っ走っていくのは、絶対ハマると分かってるものには初めから近づかないようにしてるからかもしれない。環境によるところも大きいけど、ハマると色々とヤバい人らしいのはこれまでの人生で痛感してきたし、どんな沼にも底はないから…( ´ー`) 人

I try to stay away from things I know I'm definitely going to get into. Because when I'm hooked on something, I can't get out. 2023.12.18


I didn't read any western comics after I left the TF fandom. I want to draw comics again but I'm not sure I can still draw in that style. 2023.12.18


Especially if it is fan art, because those characters are just borrowed from other artists. We should treat them like guests with lots of respects. 2023.12.17


Fixing the doodle comics of Anime-chan for the hidden page. I think I wanted to practice rough-style drawing, but at the same time I hate to see lazy drawing. 2023.12.17


キンモー☆( *´∀`)σ

Don't worry, I'm an adult and officially allowed to use the word sexy and weird emojis 🍅 (vampire's peach) 2023.12.16


Vampire's gaze on the victim vs hunter's gaze on the victim. The latter is more sexy. 2023.12.16


Would you believe me if I told you I was once bitten and taken to the ER? Because the urgent care kicked me out. 2023.12.16


Vampires using human to feed themselves. Me using vampires to feed myself. A fair point. 202312.15


I prefer short stories to long novels. Probably it's the same reason why I like music videos with a story better than movies. 2023.12.15


Don't you think most vampire stories are about conflict between blood family or clans? I hate 'this story because of the protagonist was born that way' kind setting. This is one reason I like Darren Shan better than Harry Potter. Give characters a chance of story that is not dependent on one's birth. 2023.12.15


LK uses the the word 'nobles' to represent vampires but actually it was came from H. Kikuchi's VHD novels. Probably they use different words in the translations though they are exactly the same Japanese word which I liked and borrowed often for my writings. I'm still not comfortable to use the word 'vampire' directly. 2023.12.15


I've never been interested in isekai too. It reminds me a line from sci-fi novel something like "its destination could be in the sausage machine" ...was it Hinlein's? 2023.12.14


I feel bad I've never been interested in dragons, dynasties, swords, and magical stuff. 2023.12.14


I promised to draw zodiac animal for the new year's card for my grandparents without knowing it's dragon. Even though I'm super bad at drawing animals... 2023.12.14


I sometimes want to write cyberpunk or vaperwave poetry. I like W. Gibson's sci-fi, but not steampunk. 2023.12.13


This is not the first time I create my own website. I had a personal website with blog before dA but had nothing to show. 2023.12.12