2023 Blog Archive

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December 2023


あの沼は 嗚呼あの沼は 蓮の沼 ハイヤイヤーと歌が呼ぶ \セイッ/

The best music I learned this year is Big Foot by P-MODEL. Because of bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-foo. 2023.12.31


I don't watch Kouhaku show very much. Sadly most of the mainstream artist names and their music are not familiar to me. 2023.12.31


Eve of new year's eve. I'm practicing to draw dragon. 2023.12.30


Picture posting test. I got some fabrics from a friend so I made these small stuffs as a gift for give back. I don't remember much about the movies though Harry Potter patterns. 2023.12.27


I'm still busy but I read one of VHD novel to take a break. It's been a while since I read D's story though the nobles it was wonderful as always♡♡♡ 2023.12.26


I got a set of washi craft tapes as a gift! It's made of paper, how nice!! I got some strange unique pens and markers too so my next year's bullet journal will be more fun. 2023.12.24

  12/22(金) 曇り時々雨


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The contents aside, I liked the design which you are looking at. One pixel border on a dark background always looks nice. Each month had a different theme color, and there was an image of a window with the sky that changes its look every a couple of hours. Everything's written in terrible html though...


I found my previous blog from old files but who wants to read their own words from the teenage era (ugh). I'll just record the date in 'Memory' section. 2023.12.22


I'm not a big fan of BL. But is that can be a reason for non-fujoshi fans to leave the fandom and social media? 2023.12.22


I drew socks for the winter greeting but I actually prefer gloves, just so you know. 2023.12.21


I kept the winter drawing simple this year because I'm busy. For some reason most Japanese able to celebrate Xmas, but not everyone does in the world. Since I learned that, I make a drawing to celebrate solstice for the end of year season not a specific event to be fair for more people. I join the parties and exchanges gifts in real life thought. 2023.12.21

お洒落なクラフトテープ欲しいけど日本でしか売ってない。海外でwashi tapeの名称で売られているテープは紙じゃなくてビニール製っぽい。貼ってからしばらく経つと縮んで剥がれてくる悲しい…。

Sorry that most washi tapes you can get in the US are not made of washi. And what we call washi tape in English is called craft tape in Japan, and they are made of real papers. Meh. 2023.12.20


The problem is that what people find sexy is different for everyone. But I'm sure lack of tolerance on the viewer is not a bad thing at all. Why should those who are not want them have to make efforts not to see them. 2023.12.19


I believe it's totally free to draw and share sexy drawings, but sharing it on the social media for any ages without restriction is not a good idea. 2023.12.19


False: Internet connects people all over the world. True: Internet connects people around the world who have access to the internet. 2023.12.19

自分がマイナーなジャンルへ突っ走っていくのは、絶対ハマると分かってるものには初めから近づかないようにしてるからかもしれない。環境によるところも大きいけど、ハマると色々とヤバい人らしいのはこれまでの人生で痛感してきたし、どんな沼にも底はないから…( ´ー`) 人

I try to stay away from things I know I'm definitely going to get into. Because when I'm hooked on something, I can't get out. 2023.12.18


I didn't read any western comics after I left the TF fandom. I want to draw comics again but I'm not sure I can still draw in that style. 2023.12.18


Especially if it is fan art, because those characters are just borrowed from other artists. We should treat them like guests with lots of respects. 2023.12.17


Fixing the doodle comics of Anime-chan for the hidden page. I think I wanted to practice rough-style drawing, but at the same time I hate to see lazy drawing. 2023.12.17


キンモー☆( *´∀`)σ

Don't worry, I'm an adult and officially allowed to use the word sexy and weird emojis 🍅 (vampire's peach) 2023.12.16


Vampire's gaze on the victim vs hunter's gaze on the victim. The latter is more sexy. 2023.12.16


Would you believe me if I told you I was once bitten and taken to the ER? Because the urgent care kicked me out. 2023.12.16


Vampires using human to feed themselves. Me using vampires to feed myself. A fair point. 202312.15


I prefer short stories to long novels. Probably it's the same reason why I like music videos with a story better than movies. 2023.12.15


Don't you think most vampire stories are about conflict between blood family or clans? I hate 'this story because of the protagonist was born that way' kind setting. This is one reason I like Darren Shan better than Harry Potter. Give characters a chance of story that is not dependent on one's birth. 2023.12.15


LK uses the the word 'nobles' to represent vampires but actually it was came from H. Kikuchi's VHD novels. Probably they use different words in the translations though they are exactly the same Japanese word which I liked and borrowed often for my writings. I'm still not comfortable to use the word 'vampire' directly. 2023.12.15


I've never been interested in isekai too. It reminds me a line from sci-fi novel something like "its destination could be in the sausage machine" ...was it Hinlein's? 2023.12.14


I feel bad I've never been interested in dragons, dynasties, swords, and magical stuff. 2023.12.14


I promised to draw zodiac animal for the new year's card for my grandparents without knowing it's dragon. Even though I'm super bad at drawing animals... 2023.12.14


I sometimes want to write cyberpunk or vaperwave poetry. I like W. Gibson's sci-fi, but not steampunk. 2023.12.13


This is not the first time I create my own website. I had a personal website with blog before dA but had nothing to show. 2023.12.12
