Valentine's Day 2025
Title Dark Chocolate Gentlemen バレンタイン紳士
Info 2025.2.14

Happy Valentine's day for those who need dark chocolate to melt with sunlight♡ Now I'm back with a new digital drawing environment and here's some sweet gentlemen and boy I drew on my new PC. The background is a bat-damask pattern I made for this. Individual art and comments below.

新しいデジタル作画環境が整ったので、さっそくチョコレートが必要なボクタイ女子の皆様に紳士+αをお届けしたいと思います。太陽のような愛情を注げば溶けること間違いなし♡ 背景は今回のためにデザインした蝙蝠ダマスク柄となっております。下に個別の絵と駄文(コメント)を掲載しています。

Hakusyaku Rymer Dumas Count Black Django
Hakushaku 漫画版・伯爵


Manga Count I couldn't draw for Valentine's day in 2021. He's a real gentleman in the whole manga characters. This time I make them wear a burgundy suit to avoid wearing black outfits.

Rymer ライマー


Every year I find myself liking him more and more. I think they could explored his character more then just the villain.

Dumas デュマ


I drew Duke on the expectations of the citizens of New Culiacan. You know giving him Valentine chocolate just makes Perrault fat.

Count 伯爵


Vampire Lord, the Count of Groundsoaking Blood. I didn't draw Dainn and Ratatosk for this because they are too young.

B. Django 黒ジャンゴ


Secret art of devious Django shared only on here. I like his double-sided nature between red⇔black. I can't stop loving him that the more sincere the red, the more twisted the black.



Group picture and Django full body. He can wear more than just boots.

Group Pic Black Django

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