@火星…誰もいないのでキャンディはもらえず🎃 今月はパソコンの不調で画像がなかったので今日撮ったハロウィン写真を貼っておく。十月の投稿はすぐに畳んじゃうけど。昨日観たTNGのエピソードでデータがUVライト持って立っててちょっと笑った。ということでついにボクトーバーも終了、三年目も無事に完走できました♪ ギャラリーページは準備中です。
I was in Halloween costume but no one gave me the candy even at Mars🎃 I'll fold this October posts soon but it has no image due to graphics software malfunction, so here is the picture for the last day. I saw TNG episode yesterday and I kind of chuckled as Data stood with a UV light to find the subject. So finally #Boktober2024 is over. I'm glad I could complete my third year! I'm preparing the gallery page on this site.2024.10.31
I changed the "Leave Comment" and "Copy Link" buttons on the gallery pages to emoji icons in today's site maintenance. So far it works fine... I think. I'd like to make the pages for the art gifts I've received and materials for free download but I don't have time😅 2024.10.29
Three days left for Boktober2024. Drawing with traditional tools are good training to improve my art skill, though I need to start looking for the new PC soon to draw something digitally, for update the content of this site. Or maybe I can write original fictions or fan-fics (but in Japanese). By the way, my cat stung my left index finger and hurts. I just wanted to poke the paw... are cats poisonous?😹2024.10.28
Today's subject for Boktober is "crossover" so I drew Yutaro Katori from Fighbird, the Brave of Sun, while listening to the TF and Brave series anime songs. I don't know why he's famous as a meme guy now🦋 I watched Fighbird in around 2010, and surprised that the story takes in the time of the same year. It has the sun in the title but vampire kind villain is appeared just once, and used a pile instead of sunlight to beat the enemy. Also I knew the day that episode aired was my birthday lol 2024.10.26
物置で小さい音楽キーボードを見つけてしばらく遊んじゃったり。90年代な音がした。ハロウィン衣装も発見、TOSの赤制服。何年も前に職場用に買ったやつ(接客業でハロウィン当日は要コスプレだった)。シャツじゃなくてワンピースだったので無事に生還しました🖖 大事にしまっておいたメガトロンのコスプレ用の融合カノンが真っ二つになってるのも見つけた…誰が破壊したん;w;
I found a small musical keyboard in the storage and having fun for a while. It was sound like the 90s. Anyway I found the costume, is the red uniform of TOS. I bought it years ago for my workplace where I had to were red in my department. It's a dress, not a shirt, so I was safe🖖 I also find my fusion canon for Megatron cosplay is broken... who did that ;w;2024.10.26
ハロウィン用のお菓子を買ってきたり。家族用と自分で食べる用w なんとなくピーナッツ・バターカップの気分🥜 物置に潜り込んで衣装も探してくるか…。
I got Halloween candies today for my family and myself. I kind of wanted some Reese's this year🥜 I usually prefer Twix though left/right packaging is so annoying lol I'm going to go look for costumes in the storage too.2024.10.25
I had a new stovetop installed over the weekend so now I can cook with fire. My scratched hand from the blast is almost healed too. I got some gift cards on my birthday so finally I can look for my new computer. I need a graphic editable grade PC and most of the search results are gaming computers. I don't mind to use a gaming computer for CGI, but why it has so loud designs...😳2024.10.22
It was nearly 100°F until a few days ago but suddenly it's getting cold enough to wear long sleeves... seems fall is finally here. I saw Thanksgiving and Xmas items on stores today and feel like the end-of-year marathon has just begun. We still have Halloween (even I don't have any plans)! 🦇2024.10.19
In honesty, I feel little tired on this year's Boktober because there are more work to be done other than drawing. It is fine if I just have to set up the blacklight and camera, but on top of that, the malfunction of my main PC's graphic softwares giving me hard time. I don't know when I can work on the anniversary video again too... I was working on the last scene though. I know I can use my pen-tablet with my laotop PC, but I don't have the physical space to put both of them to work on. What a small world I live in...😂 2024.10.16
I realized that I can't cook with fire until the stovetop will be replaced. There is an oven but can I cook curry with it...? The burns are small and just tingling now. I'm glad I can hold a pen still🥲2024.10.14
ボクトーバー絵の下書きをしてから夕食の料理をしようとキッチンで作業していたらコンロが小爆発を起こして久しぶりに悲鳴を上げた💥 幸い大事には至らなかったけどガス台は交換することになりそう。つまみにかけていた右手の甲だけ軽い火傷をしたようで冷やしているところ……ペン入れしたいのだけど🥲
I did the draft drawing for tomorrow's boktober art this evening. Then I was working in the kitchen to cook dinner, and suddenly the stovetop had a small explosion💥😮 I knew it was getting old and had some problems. Luckily I'm safe and it didn't get serious, but the stovetop have to be replaced. Only the back of my right hand has a minor burn and is cooling now. I want to continue the drawing though...2024.10.13
There was a new post on Guestbook but it seems spam... bye🥲 I went to an office supply store today to look for ink for my dip pen but they didn't have it in the art supply section. Not having art supply store near my place is inconvenient. But I found an empty brush pen for watercolor at the dollar store so I'm going to try with the invisible ink. 2024.10.12
Speaking of LK, I want to make the next episode of OC manga. But my photoshop is out of order and I have to face the problem of getting a new PC. October is a busy month so I'll run away a bit longer.2024.10.10
I'm listning to LK's New Curiacan music and can't stop looping... I must be tired. I haven't had enough sleep since Boktober started, but I don't want to cut corners because I love this series so much🥹2024.10.9
My family believe adults don't need birthday celebrations, but I grew up in the US and I feel wrong. I've never had my own birthday cake with anyone outside of my family, and I never even got a balloon for my birthday. Why I feel sad😭2024.10.6
忙しくてブログまで手が回らない💦 ボクトーバー絵は要ブラックライトなのでスキャナーが使えずカメラと三脚のセットアップが必要→フォトショが使えないので写真をトリムしてサイト名を入れるためだけにノートパソコンを取り出す→片付けてアナログ環境をセットアップして作画、を同じデスクでひたすら繰り返す一ヵ月になりそう。まあつまり作業環境が狭い。
I'm too busy to update the blog💦 I have to setup the camera and tripod to capture Boktober drawing since scanner doesn't have blacklight → take out my laptop just for trim the photos and insert website address → setup blacklight and ink to draw next art... It's going to be a month of repeating those process at the same desk. I think my working space is too small.2024.10.3
From the end of last month, my desktop PC doesn't like the Photoshop anymore. I have an substitute laptop (with better spec actually) so I can keep Boktober challenge with no problem but a bit more work. Though malfunction with this computer affects my mental condition since it's a partner from my student days...😭
I bought this computer with scholarship (believe or not I was a good student even I don't speak English lol) for my college classes to learn CGI. It could run 3D graphic animation programs very smoothly, so it must have been a high-spec machine that is too good for a student.
So far there is no major problem on this PC except Photoshop keep crushing. I should think about getting next PC while it still works. The biggest problem is the budget... I don't have scholarship this time!2024.10.1