
Original Original works オリジナル創作
FanArts Fan arts & fics 二次創作関連
Sitemap Website info サイトについて
Profile About me 管理人について
Secret Passcode required 要パスコード
Guestbook Bulletin board 陽だまり掲示板
 └ Rules Forum rules 掲示板について
X:Twitter Me on social 放置気味SNS

Website Info

After being a deviantArt user for eleven years, finally I have my own website. Most of my artwork has been moved here, and I added my original work gallery as well. Please enjoy my online gallery without annoying ad and censors!


Contents もくじ

Art Gallery 作品ギャラリー

Browsing 推奨環境
This site can be viewed on smartphones and mobile devices. However, it will be easier to view on a wider screen like computer or tablet. You can change the text size from the display setting of your internet browser or app.
Watermark ウォーターマーク
To prevent art theft and unauthorized use by third parties, the images on this website are shrunk and may have a watermark. Modification or alteration of my images are prohibited unless otherwise I clearly noted.
Heart Button ハートボタン
Each gallery page or artwork has this "like" button. It's simply a click counter to leave your encouragement. The script uses Cookie to prevent double counting in a short term, but the referenced information will not be used for any other purpose. You can click the button as many times as you like after a certain period of time. The script template is borrowed from this website (Japanese).
当サイトの作品ページに設置しているハートボタンは、「いいね」や「拍手」を残せるクリックカウンターです。二重カウントを防止するためにクッキーを使用しますが、参照した情報をボタン以外の用途に使用することはありません。一定期間を置けば何度でも押せます。こちらのスクリプトをお借りしています: Ajaxいいねボタン
Hidden Pages 隠しページ
This website has three secret pages. Each page requires a passcode hidden somewhere on this site. The URLs to these pages change occasionally so bookmarks will be invalid. Sharing the link to the hidden pages and reposting it's contents are not allowed. You can enter the code HERE.
  • Hint 1 - Fanart galley
  • Hint 2 - Original gallery
  • Hint 3 - In the Sun of this page
Update Info 更新情報
Major updates are displayed on the homepage. Please check Guestbook for my latest announcements. Also the last modified date is shown at the bottom of each page. Update log is available HERE.
Date Format 日付の形式
Year-Month-Date (年.月.日)

Guestbook 陽だまり掲示板

Guestbook is a mini forum to leave your message to the administrator LadySolMina, and a bulletin board to post my latest announcements. Please read the Guestbook Rules page for details.


Link リンク

Please feel free to share the link to this website. Because the address of subpages may change without notice, I recommend linking to the homepage. You can download the link button image below in PNG or animated GIF format. Please link and handle the image at your own risk.


Website Heart del Sol
Admin. LadySolMina
Banner Button [200x40px GIF: A / B ]
Site Banner 200x40px A Site Banner 200x40px B
[88x31px GIF: A / B ] [31x31px GIF: A / B ]
Site Banner 88x31px A Site Banner 88x31px B Site Banner 31x31px A Site Banner 31x31px B
  [120x60px GIF: A / B ] [60x60px GIF: A / B ]
Site Banner 120x60px A Site Banner 120x60px B Site Banner 60x60px A Site Banner 60x60px B

Policy & Terms 方針と規定

2024.9.1 Update

Copyright of Artwork 作品の著作権
Terms of Use of Artworks [English]
作品の利用規約 [日本語]
Sunlight Promise
I would like to share my fan-arts with anyone for free. This is my way to show respect for the original artists, and the fan-artists who share their fan-arts for free. I do not sell and buy fan-art stuff like drawing, doujin(shi), and goods. The Sun never ask you to pay for the sunlight, right?
[Heart del Sol] Website
Adminstrator 管理人: LadySolMina
Established 開設: 2023.3.20
Copyright: © 2023-2024 LadySolMina. All rights reserved.

Contact 連絡先

Please note that I may not be able to respond quickly due to limited internet access in my region.


🗨 Guestbook: 陽だまり掲示板
Easiest way to leave me a message.
🔔 X (Twitter): @LadySolMina
Login required. You can DM me but reply may be delayed.
📧 Email メール
For security purposes I will share my address only when necessary.

Kiriban キリリク

NEXT: 2000

Kiriban request is accepted. Please read and follow the rules below.


Memory おもいで

May the Sun be with you!
Mina's Blog 2007.2.25 - 2010.12.31
deviantArt @SolarGirlMina
2011.7.14 - 2023.2.14 (Account Closed)
[74.1K Page Views / 465 Deviations / 725 Watchers / 11.2K Comments Made / 598 Comments Received / 418 Llama Badges] Thank you!

Donate 投げ銭

Website with no ad, no paid content, which means someone is paying for it. You know who it is. I appreciate your support 🙏


PayPal.Me QR Code
Send with PayPal.Me

*PayPal and your bank may charge fee(s) on transaction.