Link & Gifts

Introducing links (preparing) and gifts I received. リンクの紹介(準備中)と頂きものを紹介するページ。

Contents もくじ

Please feel free to share the link to this website. Because the address of subpages may change, I recommend linking to the homepage. You can download the link button image below in PNG or animated GIF format. Please link and handle the image at your own risk.


Website Heart del Sol
Admin. LadySolMina
Banner Button [200x40px GIF: A / B ]
Site Banner 200x40px A Site Banner 200x40px B
[88x31px GIF: A / B ] [31x31px GIF: A / B ]
Site Banner 88x31px A Site Banner 88x31px B Site Banner 31x31px A Site Banner 31x31px B
[120x60px GIF: A / B ] [60x60px GIF: A / B ]
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🫶Link Exchange 相互リンク

Link exchanges are welcome from your personal websites or social accounts that meet the following conditions.


Click to Read (English)
  1. Not sharing content that is offensive to public order and morals. Adult content is allowed with age restrictions clearly stated.
  2. Having at least one content in common or related with this website.
  3. Not selling fan-arts that is reproduced in the form of outsourced printing or production by a third party, such as doujinshi, poster, or goods. This does not apply to the sale of one-of-a-kind fan-art (such as private commission, traditional art, handmade figures, and accessories made by you) and original works that does not contain any copyrighted stuffs.
  4. This is to prevent the spread of advertising and commercial purposes links. I do not require the condition above for sites that have enough "free" contents for "anyone" and I could consider it a conscientious site.
  1. 公序良俗に反するコンテンツの共有や他者への脅威となる活動を行なっていない。アダルト・コンテンツはその旨や年齢制限を明記することで許可しています。
  2. 当サイトと共通、または関連するコンテンツを扱っている。
  3. 同人誌やグッズの販売など、印刷や製作を第三者に委託する形で複製された〈二次創作〉作品の有償での共有を行なっていない。アナログ絵・手製フィギュア・ハンドメイド小物・個人的な依頼で製作したイラストなど、ご自身で製作された一点モノの〈二次創作〉作品や、版権モノの要素を含まない〈一次創作〉作品の販売はこの限りではありません。
  4. 宣伝や営利目的のリンク拡散を防ぐ処置です。「どなたでも」「最後まで無償で」観覧できるコンテンツが充実しているなど、良心的であると管理人が判断したサイトは上記の条件を問いません。

🎀Free Gift 無料配布 NEW

Some freebies from Heart del Sol. Click the thumbnail and download the opened image.


Wallpaper 壁紙 (.PNG)

Flat wallpapers with simple pattern I made for my desktop. For someone who tired with photo background.



1920 x 1080px


1920 x 1080px

Seigai Wave

Seigai Wave
1920 x 1080px

Stock Photo 写真素材 (.JPG)

Photos I took and adjusted. For header image of social account or background of your art piece or anywhere.



1600 x 900px


1600 x 900px


900 x 1600px

Anime Sky 1

Anime Sky 1
1600 x 900px

Anime Sky 2

Anime Sky 2
1600 x 900px

🎁Gifts Received 頂きもの

Gallery of arts I received as gifts. The thumbnail links to the original page if the artist shares it online. Note: copyright of these art belongs to the respective artists. Do not use or repost without the original artist's permission.


From Sirometa

Gift from Sirometa

Cons in super busy bath. Hope they don't get rusty. What a huge tub by the way!




Cute Megatron from a box I got for my birthday🤍


From Full-Grizzly(dA)

Gift from Full-Grizzly 01 Gift from Full-Grizzly 02

Adorable Dumas and cool Dumas. Duke was my fev back then. Even the backgrounds are elaborate and so beautiful✨


From ベルサ 様

Gift from ベルサ 様 *サムネのみ、掲載許可待ち。Thumbnail only, waiting for permission to share.

2009年頃に菊地作品のファンサイト様〈BARK AT THE MOON〉でキリバンを踏み、初対面(?)にも関わらず不躾にも絵をリクエストして描いていただいた[吸血鬼ハンターD]より「神祖様と美奈」です。当時はまだネットに不慣れな頃で失礼もあったと思いますが、ご親切に対応してくださり大変感謝しております。


Gift drawing of "the Sacred Ancestor and Mina" I got for kiriban request art at a fansite of Vampire Hunter D in around 2009. Now I got my own website and place to share this beautiful piece, but the fansite is closed and I'm unable to contact the artist. I'm still looking for the artist to thank and ask permission to share this art here. I'm always grateful to this art and the artist🙏