TF Cosplay Photos: IDW Verity

#A Verity 2014
Date 2014.07.17

A photo shooting of my cosplay on location. The character is Verity Carlo from IDW's Transformers issues, was started with her episode! Ultra Magnus used Verity's appearance for his holoavatar later. If you are interested in this great comic series, start reading from Infiltration book you see in Verity's hand above 😉

IDW社出版のTFコミック・シリーズより、第一話に登場する人間キャラ、ベリティ・カルロのコスプレです。後にウルトラマグナスも彼女の姿のホロアバターを使っています。興味のある方は上の写真にある[Infiltration]か[Megatron Origin]あたりから読み始めると抜け出せなくなります時系列に乗れるかと思います。

Note Many thanks for Sirometa who took the photos.
#K Verity 2014

I won't forget you, Hunter!


#B Verity 2014
#C Verity 2014
#D Verity 2014
#E Verity 2014
#F Verity 2014
#G Verity 2014
#H Verity 2014
#I Verity 2014

I liked the location very much, even I'm not sure where exactly it was. It should be somewhere between Phoenix and Riverside. This place seemed like Hunter's VW bus will coming and the whole story begins! The picture below is Verity in Jimmy's (poor) garage.


#J Verity 2014

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