TF Cosplay Photos @BotCon14

#A BotCon14
Event BotCon 2014

My first attend of the BotCon. RB and IDW panel were held on different days, so I stayed at a motel one night and it became a two days trip.


Note Though I do not know them, each model has the all rights of one's cosplay.
#B BotCon14

Me as Megatron and Sirometa wears a new costume of Sowndwave. Do you see Laserbeak inside? We planned to bring our Starscream outfit as well, but the car broke down that morning (!) and we couldn't carry that bulky SS costume.

We met Devastator, was by one of the group we know from Anime Expo I believe. The top picture is TFP Starscream surrounded by Optimus, Megatrons, Sowndwaves, and more!


写真のデバスタはアニメエキスポでも会ったことのあるコスプレグループの一人・・・のはず。 毎年会うのにお互いの顔をよく知らないという不思議な方々。ちなみに一番上の写真はコンボイとメガトロン×2に狙われながらも余裕をかますSTSKです(/´゚౪゚`)/

#C BotCon14 #D BotCon14

I met other Megatrons! Where has Starscream gone?


#E BotCon14

The second day. Me as Verity Carlo from IDW's TF comic series. To do this cosplay, I cut twelve inches of my hair in the previous night. Sirometa was in Sowndwave outfit again, with Rumble inside (FIRRIB, meh).

The picture is super small Metroplex we met. I see little Optimus on the chest!


#F BotCon14

There were MTMTE fans to visit IDW panel this day. I met kawaii Tailgate, and so I was Ultra Magnus there.


#G BotCon14

Whirl! I saw another Whirl and Swerve too. I wanted to take the Lost Light crew's holoavatar gathering picture...


#H BotCon14 #I BotCon14

I also took pictures with the MTMTE writer J. Rung Roberts, and Pharma sensei the manga artist! But I didn't get the permissions to share their pictures, so here are some low-res images you can feel. Because it's the author, I changed my Verity outfit into the Wreckers style. I was wearing the alien tattoo sticker on my shoulder and a fake cuffs earring as well.

I met the casts of RB show and got their autographs too. How nice that I heard "Noble!" directory from the voice actor of Cody!




I didn't join any convention event after this due to some personal circumstances, but it was a great experience I could visit the BotCon. Especially it was significant to get autograph of Mr. Roberts on my MTMTE book, because he wrote the best Megatron and his story ever.

I believe I'm able to survive my life because of his Megatron. I stopped following the Transformers and its IDW comics since the Lost Light story ended with a beautiful 50% happy ending, although I still love the whole series and I'm always grateful to Mr. Roberts and his Megatron💜 I cried at a comic book for the first and only time in my life. It was that much big and serious to me.

この後、個人的な事情でこういったイベントには一度も参加していませんが、ボットコンに参加できたことは本当に良い経験になりました。特にJR先生にサインを頂いたのは大きかったです。先生の書いたメガトロン様のお陰で今日まで生き延びてこられたと思っているので、とても励みになりました。TFやIDWのコミックは[Lost Light]で50%のハッピーエンドを迎えてからは追っていませんが、今でも先生(とメガトロン様)には感謝しかないです。

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このページの作品はクリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています。作品の共有や転載についてはこちらをお読み下さい

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