Transformers Related Crafts

Note None of these are for sale. Sorry!
RB Comlink Clip

[RB] ComLinks

Date 2014.6

The ComLink shaped clip which Burns family uses for their rescue missions. I made them and given to the voice actors as a gift at the BotCon. Those clips were made by resin casting when I was not used to handling resin yet. I believe I can make them better now.

I liked Rescue Bots show and all the young bots very much but I didn't watch the all episodes since I moved. How sad!

RB Chief Burns' Apron 1 RB Chief Burns' Apron 2

[RB] Chief Burns' Apron

Date 2014.12 / Photo newly takan in 2023.03.12

The cute bikini apron which Mr. Burns was wearing in the show. I made an apron from fabric, and tried to use printable iron-on transfer sheet for the first time. I had to split the image to fit the sheets and print part came out nicely, but the transfer part was not easy. I painted the gap between the sheets but you can still see the lines. Overall, I like how it looks like just came out from the Rescue Bots world, even nobody believes it is the Transformers related item 😉 🚒 🚓 🚜 🚁

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