Nurse Blades

[RB] Nurse Blades

Info 2013.08.18

But he didn't learned how to transform into an ambulance...🚁🚑

Optimus Prime x Elita One

[G1] Optimus Prime x Elita One

Info 2014.10.13 🎁 Gift for otaku-drea@deviantArt.

A 'tie-in' or 'bundle' package is sometimes called a 'hug each other' package in Japanese, even they don't hugging each other.

How the Wasp Stole Christmas

How the Wasp Stole Christmas

Info 2014.12.25

"And what happened then? Well, in Detroit they say, that the Wasp's small spark grew three sizes that day!"

Bad Examples of Cicada Block

Bad Examples of Cicada Block

Info 2014.10.13

I entered this for the "cicada block" art contest held by a dA's TF fan Group and won the first place!🥇 I got the prize points but never the art part.

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