TFP + RB Comic Doodles

Info Did you know TF Prime and Rescue Bots sharing the same world?
#1 Rescue Smorky

Rescue Smorky

Info 2012.10.15
Detail Gotcha! I believe this was the most popular art piece in my dA gallery with more than 800 faves⭐ And the cutest Megs I ever draw!

#2 Attend to Our Master

Attend to Our Master

Info 2012.11.12
Detail Heatwave "Why we don't have medic when we're rescue team?" From the second season final episode of TFP. They have the same voice actor, Steve!

#3 Of course you do, Screamer

Of course you do, Screamer

Info 2013.04.22
Detail From TFP episode "Rebellion."

#4 It's my DESTINY


Info 2015.02.12
Detail From RB episode "Rules and Regulations".

#5 Blades Trap

Blades Trap

Info 2015.02.12
Detail EMP = Electromagnetic Pulse. From RB episode "Rules and Regulations". Again.

#6 Megs vs. Miko

Megs vs. Miko

Info 2015.02.12
Detail \Get me out of here!💢/

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