
Fall into Heaven: New Culiacan

Info 2024.4.7 (2 Pages, JP & EN)
堕ちる→[魔都]新市街 (4-1/2) 堕ちる→[魔都]新市街 (4-2/2)
Fall into Heaven:NC (4-1/2) Fall into Heaven:NC (4-2/2)




Thank you for the encouraging comments on this series. The fourth story is about fashion = dress up fantasy. The siblings would look good in anything, like fairy tale outfits. I wasn't sure if this world have any group like military and its uniform, so Basilia put the Margrave in a pilot uniform. Is the casket armor an underwear...?  For the Duke, his default style is cool already, so he got a cute outfit in contrast. I'd like to make the Baron appear (in their dreaming) too.

New Culiacan is such a big city so I believe there is a large fancy shopping mall. I guess they sell the latest fashions from other planets. I put a kids clothing store but I'm not sure if there are children living in this city as citizens. If so, I can write a depressing story about it. I have not set a specific age for the OCs, though I would say that Rue-chan: mid-teens, Cinamonor: late-teens, Anise: 20s, and Basilia: around 30 years old. In the first place, the age of Boktai/LK character is always unknown...

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