2011-2013 TF FanArts

Info Some old TF stuff and doodles. 古い絵の詰め合わせ。
Seekers Smooooch GIF
Title  [G1] Seekers Smooooch・∀・ GIF
Info 2011.07.15

Halloween Battle
Title [G1] Halloween Battle
Info 2013.10.03

Rosen Maiden Parody 1
Rosen Maiden Parody 2
Title [G1] Rosen Maiden OP Parody
Info 2011 / 2015.02.04

Miko x Bulkhead
Title [TFP] Miko x Bulkhead in Kissplay Style
Info 2012.08.21

 A Good Luck Charm
Title [G1] A Good Luck Charm (with its Body!)
Info 2013.01.16

Title [TFP] "Leadership is MAGIC" MLP Logo Parody
Info 2013.02.14

Starscream and His Friends
Title Starscream and His Friends

2013.02.14 🎁 Gift for chicairken@deviantArt.

 A Good Luck Charm
Title [TFA] Art Meme
Info 2013.01.16 *Click to enlarge
Link I borrowed this template on dA

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