Day00 Boktober'23
Title Boktober 2023

It's October and #boktober2023 is arrived! For the detail and the latest info about the event, please visit the Twitter account and archive site (the links below). This year I helped the host @kodedile with Japanese translation and edit images. Many thanks to her for hosting the event again!


Art Prompt お題リスト

□ Sol   Dark
Day 1   Bok/Ghoul ボク(グール)
Day 2   Scarf マフラー
Day 3   Dark 暗黒
Day 4   Sunrise 日の出
Day 5   Element 属性
Day 6   Hunter ハンター
Day 7   [Free]
Day 8   Fruit/Nut 果実
Day 9   Night 夜
Day 10 Weapon 武器
Day 11 Immortal イモータル
Day 12 Town/City 街
Day 13 Beast 獣
Day 14 [Free]
Day 15 Undead アンデッド
Day 16 Mirror 鏡
Day 17 Siblings きょうだい
Day 18 Card カード
Day 19 Monster モンスター
Day 20 Chocolate チョコレート
Day 21 [Free]
Day 22 Magic 魔法
Day 23 Sunset 日の入り
Day 24 Partners 仲間
Day 25 Coffin 棺
Day 26 Trance 変身
Day 27 Stars 星
Day 28 [Free]
Day 29 Vampire ヴァンパイア
Day 30 Sun 太陽
Day 31 Moon 月

The first half - Boktober'23

It was my second Boktober challenge and I joined with ink again. My goal was to improve color blending skill with my alcohol markers and get used to the white ink (in the cute little jar in the photo at the top of this page) that I got last year but couldn't use much.

In September, I wanted to replace some of my old markers but unfortunately Prismacolor no longer sell them individually. So this time I got and tried to use Blick brand markers too. For most of the pieces, I used Canson's 9"x12" marker paper cut in half.

Because this year's art prompts alternate between Dark and Sol themes, I tried to fill the background with ink for every Dark themed day art.



Day01 Boktober'23
Day 01 Dark

Bok / ボク

Ghouls eat dead body. Is vampire flesh tasty?


Day02 Boktober'23
Day 02 Sol

Scarf / マフラー

Have you ever heard of "rat king"?


Day03 Boktober'23
Day 03 Dark

Dark / 暗黒

I start using ink and brush-pen to fill the background instead of my Micron pens, because I was concerning about their cost...😅


Day04 Boktober'23
Day 04 Sol

Sunrise / 日の出

He brought back the brightest sun in the whole series!


*Click image to enlarge. 画像クリックで拡大。

Day05 Boktober'23
Day 05 Dark

Element / 属性

Earth sis, flame sis, frost sis, and give cloud to the bro.


Day06 Boktober'23
Day 06 Sol

Hunter / ハンター

I like this pose when Darcis swings his sword. Too bad we couldn't see his younger sister in the manga...


Day07 Boktober'23
Day 07 Dark


Just a doodle today. This is why I love this series lol


Day08 Boktober'23
Day 08 Sol

Fruit / 果実

Heaven fruit? Everyone forgets her but she's Bianca from the mission at the New Culiacan city.


Day09 Boktober'23
Day 09 Dark

Night / 夜

Dainn drawn in white.


Day10 Boktober'23
Day 10 Sol

Weapon / 武器

My energy's run out. Trying the manga style.


Day11 Boktober'23
Day 11 Dark

Immortal / イモータル

The first guy I think of when I hear the word Immortal.


*Click image to enlarge. 画像クリックで拡大。

Day12 Boktober'23
Day 12 Sol

City / 街

Got fruit? Paired with the drawing of day 8. It's just heaven fruit in EN but the JP name is heaven-earth fruit, which also stands for 'up and down' that is often seen on 'this side up' label. Interesting name isn't it? 🧡


Day13 Boktober'23
Day 13 Dark

Beast / 獣

Driving Elefan like Initial-D...? Just noticed my orange marker is dying. That's why Ratatosk hair of 11th drawing wasn't blend well.


Day14 Boktober'23
Day 14 Sol


Sleeping Earnest. I'm not very like this piece and I should to try again. I remembered my orange marker is dying after I did the lines, and the scanner didn't like the colors at all. Also I was busy this day and couldn't take enough time... arrgh!


Day15 Boktober'23
Day 15 Dark

Undead / アンデッド

Didn't I draw them yet this year?


Day16 Boktober'23
Day 16 Sol

Mirror / 鏡

We always were.


Day17 Boktober'23
Day 17 Dark

Siblings / きょうだい

Are they twins or not? Don't you think they are sharing a coffin??


Day18 Boktober'23
Day 18 Sol

Card / カード

Because there was a king. Sabata "what's this?"

サバタ「何これ」←槍か剣の柄らしいです。クレカとタロット以外だとトランプしか思いつかなかった…。関係ないけど英語でトランプは(playing) cardと呼ばれていてtrumpというのは切札という意味らしい。つまり前大統領は切札大統領だったというネタみたいな本当の話。

Day19 Boktober'23
Day 19 Dark

Monster / モンスター

I just wanted to draw Carmilla. Did she have a long tongue...?


Day20 Boktober'23
Day 20 Sol

Chocolate / チョコレート

Melting. How I love this city!


Day21 Boktober'23
Day 21 Dark


Manga Dainn is cute. I tried a background filled with color.


Day22 Boktober'23
Day 22 Sol

Magic / 魔法

In JP script he's a professor of 'magic-science' instead of alchemy. He started like "Good timing, Aaron! I just ran out of blood for my experiment..." but Lucian glares at the professor like hell 😅


Day23 Boktober'23
Day 23 Dark

Sunset / 日の入り

Ringo dad. I tried a Micron pen with sepia ink this time. This piece received the most like at the Twitter this month 💖


*Click image to enlarge. 画像クリックで拡大。

Day24jp Boktober'23 Day24en Boktober'23
Day 24 Sol

Partners / 仲間

Django will point out the same thing later. Thank the white ink, I could try to draw a comic with ink for the first time in ten years.


Day25 Boktober'23
Day 25 Dark

Coffin / 棺

It's hot for both of us. Django's piledriver scene from Bok2.


Day26 Boktober'23
Day 26 Sol

Trance / 変身

Sabanargand? According to the guidebook's concept art description, those skulls represent anger and sadness of the victims of fight between light and darkness. This became my most favorite piece I drew this month.


*Click image to enlarge. 画像クリックで拡大。

Day27 Boktober'23
Day 27 Dark

Stars / 星

Listen to the stars. The new pink marker I got gives nostalgic 90s vibe. It's Blick's #013.


Day28 Boktober'23
Day 28 Sol


Kagenko-sama and Red Django? I couldn't take much time today. He's not Metaknight, by the way!


Day29 Boktober'23
Day 29 Dark

Vampire / ヴァンパイア

The best one. 伯爵一択❤ モフりたいことこの上ない。

Day30 Boktober'23
Day 30 Sol

Sun / 太陽

My Sun, your Sun, our Sun... and call it TRINITY☀


Day31 Boktober'23
Day 31 Dark

Moon / 月

Moonlight is refracted sunlight. I accidentally made the eleventh solar gauge...


The second half - Boktober'23

It was a busy October! I had a lot of fun to draw Sabata and other characters this time, not just bok and Django. I'm glad to get used to the white ink and dip pen, and my new Blick markers did a good job.

I felt some of the prompts were slightly overlapping (like dark and night, or sun and sunrise), so the next year's prompts can be more focused or specific subjects. I hope I'll be able to join the event again next year, and I'll back to work on my delayed anniversary movie project...😅




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