Page 1 [Into the Depths]
Page 2 [Into the Depths]

Into the Depths [English]

Info 2024.08.1 / 2 pages
Detail A story of Sabata and Dainn from Solar Boy Django manga.
P.S. I loved "Shin Dainn" Hijioka Sensei drawn for the first time in 20 years and made this within one week. This Dainn has more fluffy hair rather than the straight hairstyle shown in the manga issues. I tried to draw this in web-manga style instead of page layout, was such a freefall.

Manga Dainn was the character who got me hooked on Boktai world. He may be the craziest character in the whole series, but I still believe it were caused by the Dark. Sabata lost to Dainn because he didn't have a solar gun or Otenko, though he's also a victim of the Dark. I like the setting the Solar people can be powerful undead.

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